Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chapter 1: Globalization and Diversity

Converging Currents of Globalization

Fiji experienced a period of rapid growth in 1960s and 1970s, but stagnated in the 1980s. Urbanization and expansion  of the service sector have contributed to the Gross Domestic Product growth. Sugar export and the tourism industry are major sources of foreign exchange. The estimated Gross Domestic Product of the country is 3.131 billion dollars. As the country now diversifies into small scale industries which strengthened and revenues provide for expanded public works ,medical services and education .The country's central position in the region has been strengthened by recent developments in the sea and air communications. Today , Fiji plays a major role in regional affairs and is recognized as the focal point of the South Pacific

    Population and Settlement:People on the Land

Population is :893,354 

Nationality: Fijian 

The Ethnic Groups are: Fijian 51%,Indian 44%,European,other Pacific Islanders,overseas Chinese,and other 5%

Official Languages :English, Fijian Language, Fijian Hindi